Mob Controller

The Mob controller is a device created to add functionalities to the Robe RoboSpot system, it’s basically two buttons that hang on the handlebars, and those buttons are connected to the controller who is sending Art-Net signals to a lighting desk to triggers sequences.

Initialy it was build for a show with three RoboSpot system with four spots on each around a circular stage, and we wanted to allow each operator to select which spot is on depending of the artists location on the stage, so I develop this system to trigger spots dimmer with fades in/out directly in the lighting desk.

When the artist move clockwise, the operator push the right button, and then the next spot in this direction is turned on and the last one is is turned off.
When he move on the other direction, the operator push the left button.
The operator can also push both buttons to turn on all spots.

This is just an example, the controller can be used in many use cases to control whatever you want.

You can change the settings of the Mob Controller directly on the web page:

If you’re interessed by the Mob Controller for your projects you can contact me via the contact page.

Matrix remote controller

I made this device to remotely control the outputs assignment of Gefen Matrix: 8×8 DVIKVM DL Matrix

It allow to switch inputs from main source to backup source, you can just switch the GUI or all outputs.

The controller send Telnet command to switch outputs ( the preset recall doesn’t work very good)

If you want to build yours there is all the ressources:

  • The box can be 3D printed, the files are availables on Thingiverse
  • The Arduino code is available on GitHub
  • For the electronic hardware you only need:
    • Arduino borad, like Uno or Mega
    • Ethernet Sheild
    • 5x Arcade Button with LED
    • Some wires

You can customize the commands send by each buttons, the center button is just to enable the controller, to avoid accident…

If you need to add more button, send different commands or use another protocol for something else you can contact me.