Fixture Fix

Fixture Fix is a software made to avoid losing data when replacing fixture libraries on GrandMa software

Compare fixtures and see which attributes matches, and which doesn’t

Select attributes that you use in your show to add virtuals attributes to the destination fixture

Easily see attributes state:

  • Green : Attributes matches!
  • Orange : Attributes don’t matches (all data on this attributes will be loosed after replace)
  • Blue : Attributes selected and added as virtual attribute to target fixture
  • Yellow : Attributes replaced by another one

Replace attributes in target fixture to match your needs

Prepare all sources fixtures in your show in different tabs and save it project for the next show

Export fixtures directly in Ma2 library or somewhere else

Large export options are available notably for Manufacturer and Fixture names

Import your fixed fixture in your show and replace your fixtures without losing data!

The software work with GrandMa 2 XML librairies for now, I’m working on the GDTF support for the next update.

Grand Ma 3 users can use Fixture Fix as well by converting Ma2 libraries with the method described on ACT Lighting website

See how it works:

Free Version

Tabs Amount

Selectable attributes

Save and open project

Support my work

Full Version

Tabs amount

Selectable attributes

Save and open project

Support my work
