PSN Toolbox

PSN Toolbox is a software to easily monitor,
send and convert PSN Trackers

It’s the swiss army tool of PSN protocol

The monitor show all available PSN Servers on the selected network.

You can convert angles to radian or degree depding of what the server is sending

Easily see if you lost trackers

Choose your network interface and customize your port and multicast address

This page allow you to emulate PSN Tracker

For testing or offline work

Control what type of data you want to send: position, orientation, speed, acceleration and target position

Choose between radian or degree unit for rotation output

Even control the tracker with Art-Net to pre-program your show

You can find the fixture Library below:

Set you limits and default values for each axes

Customise your server name and frame rate, choose on which interface you need to output, and also the port and multicast address

Application exemple

Trackers conversions allow you to simply send the trackers to different applications

The convert page display the state of converted trackers and combined trackers

Converted trackers

With a converted tracker you can:

  • Convert the roation unit of a tracker to degree or radian, the standard is radian but some systems use degres
  • Swap axes, because some systems use Y for Up and others uses Z
  • Add offset to the values, usefull if sytems origins are differents
  • Invert received values
  • Use a constant value on axes

Combined trackers

With a combined tracker you can specify two input trackers and a distance between them, the combined tracker will be at the center of them and calculate an aproximate angle*

It’s is useful for structures hanged with two points if the motion system who sending PSN only send height of hoists


The calculated angle is an approximation of the reality, the real angle depend of various data like weight and gravity point that make the calculation very complex, it’s a known limitation of the function and it’s provided as it is.

Few settings are available in the application:

  • Startup project and notifications
  • Tracker timeout for the monitor
  • Default values for new tracker created in the sender page

When minimized, the app hide in the tray and still running in background

Need a second window for the monitor page?
No problem, just open the app a second time!

See how it works

Free Version

No angle conversion
in the monitor page

Simple trackers

Combined trackers

Converted trackers

Save and open project

Support my work

Full Version

Conversion to radian or degree
in the monitor page

Simple trackers

Combined trackers

Converted trackers

Save and open project

Support my work
