PSN Toolbox Full Version
PSN Toolbox is a Swiss knife for PosiStageNet, you can easily monitor, send and convert PSN trackers
PSN Toolbox is a software to easily monitor,
send and convert PSN Trackers
It’s the swiss army knife of PSN protocol
Monitor PSN Trackers
The monitor shows all available PSN Servers and trackers on the selected network
You can convert angles to radians or degrees depending on what the server is sending
Easily see if you lose trackers
Choose your network interface and customize your port and multicast address
You can also pause PSN reception and transmission
Send PSN trackers manualy
This page allows you to emulate PSN Tracker
For testing or offline work
With each created tracker you can control the three axis with sliders or enter a value manually
You can also start an automation for position and orientation
In the tracker settings you can choose to use position, orientation, speed, acceleration and target position
Choose between radians or degrees unit for rotation output
Even control the tracker with Art-Net to pre-program your show
You can find the fixture libraries below, in the application settings you can choose between 8, 16 and 24bit precision.
- MA 2 Library and on MA Fixture Share
- GDTF Library and on GDTF Share
- DMX Personality
Set your limits and default values for each axes
And also set up the automation function
Customise your server name and frame rate, choose on which interface you need to output, and also the port and multicast address
Convert PSN Trackers
The conversion tab display the state of different converted trackers.
Converted trackers
With a converted tracker you can:
- Convert the rotation unit of a tracker to degrees or radians, the standard is radians but some systems use degrees
- Swap axes, because some systems use Y for Up and others uses Z
- Add offsets to the values, useful if systems origins are differents
- Invert received values
- Use a constant value on axes
Application example
Converted trackers allow you to simply send the trackers to different applications
In example, most systems uses radiant for rotation but GrandMa 2 consoles uses degrees
Combined trackers
With a combined tracker you can specify two input trackers and a distance between them, the combined tracker will be at the center of them and calculate an approximate angle*
It is useful for structures hanged with two points if the motion system which is sending PSN only send height of hoists
The calculated angle is an approximation of the reality, the real angle depend of various data like weight and gravity point that make the calculation very complex, it’s a known limitation of the function and it’s provided as it is.
Merged tracker
With merged trackers you can build a new tracker from two trackers, it’s possible to choose vertical axis from one tracker and translation axes from an other one.
This can be usful when using a lift on a trolley in example.
Circular tracker
The circular tracker is useful when you only receive rotation on a tracker and you need X and Y.
Other features
Few settings are available in the application:
- Startup projects and notifications
- Tracker timeout for the monitor
- Choose Art-Net precision between 8, 16 and 24 bits.
- Default values for new tracker created in the Send tab
When minimized, the app hides in the tray and contnues running in background
Need a second window for the monitor page?
No problem, just open the app a second time!
See how it works
Release notes for version 1.1
- Added Circular Tracker
- Added Merged Tracker
- Added more data about trackers in the converter tab
- Speed, acceleration and target position are now forwarded to converted trackers if available
- Added automation function for position and rotation axes in the Send tab
- Added function to set value manually on axes in the send window
- Added scroll functionality on axes slider to set values in the send tab
- Added confirmation popup when deleting trackers
- Added option to chose between 8, 16 or 24 bits to control trackers axes with Art-Net
- Refined some UI elements
- General optimisations